Traveling and keeping little ones safe with an Emergency ID tag
Your bags are packed, endless lists have been made, re-made and checked off, and you're ready for your family trip. This is a fun and exciting time for families, and especially for little ones as it may be their first big trip away from home, first time on an airplane or train and most likely the first time for many new experiences. Along with the excitement that traveling brings, it can also be the source of stress. Parents can help reduce the stress of travelling with children by ensuring their children are appropriately identified should they become separated from their parents.
If you intend to be in a high traffic area such as an airport, a theme park or any other type of tourist destination, consider using tools that will help you re-connect with your child in the event that you become separated from them. Emergency ID has a number of items that can be used for identification including ID bracelets and wallet cards. For little ones, our ID tags are ideal as they can be attached to a zipper, shoe lace or backpack. A shoe tag (pictured below), is opaque on one side with engraving on the opposite side. This helps keep information private, concealing confidential information from casual view while still being easily accessible. When choosing the engraving information for your tags, make sure you include the most important information first. This will include emergency contact information where parents can be reached right away. ID tags are an inexpensive option (3 tags with engraving for $15CAD) to help keep your children protected and safe. Get yours here!